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CarepathRx Introduces Technology & Healthcare Student Rotation

MERCER ISLAND, Wash., May 2nd, 2022 – CarepathRx is proud to launch an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) Nontraditional – Technology and Healthcare Informatics rotation in collaboration with the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. This innovative program is designed to provide a five-week rotation for pharmacy students (PharmD) in their fourth year of enrollment.

DromosPTM, a CarepathRx Technology Solutions’ company, is a cloud-based software application focused on Patient Therapy Management, analytics, and workflow processes tailored to specialty pharmacies.

“I am honored and excited to launch this learning experience with the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy,” said Jonathan Van Lare, PharmD, Director of Specialty Pharmacy at CarepathRx Technology Solutions and newly appointed Adjunct Clinical Instructor with the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. “The latest advances in pharmacy technology play a pivotal role in patient care, and I am confident that our students will benefit greatly from this non-traditional rotation.”

Topics addressed in the new Technology and Healthcare Informatics rotation will include:

  • Educating patients & healthcare professionals on the safe use of specialty medication
  • Disease state overviews
  • Side effects and side effect management
  • Accreditation requirements (URAC and ACHC)
  • Therapy goals
  • Medication administration
  • Adherence tips
  • Required labs
  • Quality of life
  • Validated measurement tools
  • Medication and disease state-specific interventions

About CarepathRx Technology Solutions and DromosPTM
CarepathRx Technology Solutions delivers the industry’s most advanced telepharmacy and technology platforms to support patients across the healthcare continuum. Our technology interfaces directly with hospital EHR and dispensing systems to manage complexities associated with specialty pharmacy and transitions of care.

DromosPTM is a cloud-based software application focused on Patient Therapy Management, analytics, and workflow processes for specialty pharmacies. DromosPTM fills a gap in this rapidly growing industry by addressing the complexities of pharmacy accreditation, while providing a highly flexible and configurable platform that adapts to the way your specialty pharmacy operates. For more information about DromosPTM, visit

Jonathan Van Lare, PharmD                             
O: (888) 376-6670 x703
C: (519) 567-9374                                                               

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